
Store Request Instructions

Step 1
Click on the item you want to add to your store.

Step 2
Select the following options:

  1. Product Color
  2. Front Artwork (Your Dept. Logo) = Number of colors in your logo. (One color is included in the price.)
  3. Back Artwork:
    • No = No logo or title on the back.
    • Yes = If you want to add a name or title i.e. Supervisor, Trainer, etc.

Once all options are selected, click the blue “Add to Request” Button.

Repeat this step for every item you want to add to your store. If you want to add the same item in multiple colors, you will have to add each color of the item individually.

Step 3
Click “My Cart” at the top of the page. This will take you to the items you added to your order.

Step 4
Review your order and click the blue “Request my FREE Rec Dept Store” button.

Step 5
Fill out your contact information and the click the blue “Proceed to Next Step” button.

Step 6
Review your order one last time to ensure everything you want is included and click the blue “Proceed to Confirm Information” button.

Step 7
Review your contact information and order. Click the “Complete Your Store Request’ button to submit your order.

You will receive a confirmation email a few minutes after you place your order. A RecSportsGear customer service representative will contact within 1-2 business days to confirm your store details.

Additional Questions? Email us at info@recsportsgear.com or call 800.546.7880